
Daniel Webster

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"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable"

Quote from Darthmouth College v. Woodward

Born on January 18th, 1782 in Salisbury, NH (Now modern day Franklin, NH), Daniel Webster is considered one of the greatest orators that the United States had ever produced. Since his passing on October 24th, 1852, no one has ever come close to his oratory rhetoric, presentation, and poetic prose. Webster graduated with his Bachelors from Darthmouth in 1801 from Lebanon, NH and began his practice as a lawyer in Portsmouth, NH around the same time. He would become a repersentative for the states of New Hampshire and Massachussetts, as he entered the Massachussetts Bar in 1805 and would work dilligently as a lawyer until entering political office in 1813. He would be known for a plethora of important historical cases and an icon for the early 19th century for First Generation Americans. Other side notes include being the main person who signed the official borders between New England and Canada (still presently the same as of 2022) and acting as US Secreatary for Presidents William Henry Harrison, John Taylor, and Millard Fillmore. To Learn more about about Daniel Webster, click on any of the three portraits above.

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