President William McKinley

Full Name: William McKinley Jr.
Presidential Number: 25th President
Birth Place: Niles, Ohio
DOB: January 29th, 1843
Death: September 14th, 1901
Cause of Death: Assasination
Notible Events: USS Maine Explosion (Puerto Rico), Battle of Manila (Phillipines), Establishment of Hawaii ~ 'April 30th, 1900', Signs the Gold Standard Act ~ 'March 7th, 1900', Platt Amendment (Cuba)
Nick Name(s): The Idol of Ohio, The Major, The Human Iceberg, Wobbly Willie, The Liberator of Cuba, Ohio Nepoleon, Eclair
Vice President: Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt
Military Service: June 1861 - 1865

The Ohio Burgee Flag

Use: Civil and State Level
Adopted: May 9, 1902
Designed By: John Eisenmann

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" ~ In the time of darkest defeat, victory may be nearest."